Truffe su ebay, ma qualcuno ci casca? :D
(troppo vecchio per rispondere)
Lo Smilzo
2015-04-22 10:33:43 UTC
Mi è arrivata una finta mail di paypal dove dice che un tizio mi ha pagato
un cell che ho in vendita su ebay, ovviamente sul mio conto non ho nessun
pagamento ...


This email confirms that you have received an Instant payment of €160.00
EUR from James Pedro (***@gmail.com) via PayPal Payment Service.
Reversals : This method of payment can not be reversed or canceled.
Status : Pending - Tracking Number Is Needed.

View the "NOTE" of this pending transaction below


Payment Detail
Amount: € 160.00 EUR
Shipment Charges:
Taxes and Insurance:

Total: € 00.00 EUR
€ 00.00 EUR

€ 160.00 EUR
Transaction ID: PP1543 - 5E2D6738F3630
Quantity: 1
Description: Smartphone Android Dual Sim: Wiko Rainbow, Bianco


James Joe
Suite 123 No 10 Jalan PJS 11/28A,
Sunway Metro, Bander Sunway,
46150, Petaling Jaya.

NOTE: This is to confirm to you that the said amount has been successfully
transferred by the Sender and has been deducted from his Bank Account which
is ready to be credited into your account and have been "APPROVED" but will
not be credited to your account until the shipment reference / tracking
number is sent to us for SHIPMENT VERIFICATION so as to secure both the
buyer and the seller. This is due to new security measures at PayPal® for
shipment.This is to protect both buyer and seller from fraud, because some
seller do receive money from buyer and will not ship the item purchased from
them. This payment will remain **Uncleared** due to international
transaction and will not reflect on your account until the Shipment
Reference/ Tracking Number is sent to us for shipment verification so as to
secure the transaction.We are working against the growing number of
fraudulent transactions via the internet. Below are the necessary
information requested before your account will be credited. Send the
shipment reference / tracking number to us through this
email:(***@email.com) and our customer service care will attend
to you. As soon as you send us the shipment's tracking number for security
purposes and the safety of the buyer and the seller, the money will be
credited to your account.

Once shipment has been verified and the tracking number sent to us, You
will receive a "CONFIRMATION Email" from PayPal informing you that the
Money has been credited.
Ciao, H.
(o o)
Se sei incerto tieni aperto!
Saluti in piega a tutti!
2015-04-22 17:42:40 UTC
Post by Lo Smilzo
Mi è arrivata una finta mail di paypal dove dice che un tizio mi ha
pagato un cell che ho in vendita su ebay, ovviamente sul mio conto non
ho nessun pagamento ...
Se cascano sugli iphone/S6 a 350 euro possono cascarci tranquillamente
anche in questa ... li salva che è in inglese.
"Non ho paura degli urli dei violenti, ma del silenzio degli onesti"
Martin Luther King.

"La religione è il singhiozzo di una creatura oppressa, il sentimento
di un mondo senza cuore, lo spirito di una condizione priva di spirito.
È l'oppio dei popoli." K. Marx

"Nessuna buona azione rimarrà impunita!" (285° regola Dell'Acquisizione)