China will celebrate its traditional New Year
(troppo vecchio per rispondere)
...::: Dick Dastardly & Muttley :::...
2012-01-20 01:56:13 UTC
Notice: During 21-27 Jan, China will celebrate its traditional New Year.
Sellers, shipping companies, as well as AliExpress staff members will be on
holiday and various parts of the commerce and shipping cycle may be delayed.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. However, your order
placement process will not be affected by this. Learn mor

2012-01-20 11:28:49 UTC
"...::: Dick Dastardly & Muttley :::..."
Post by ...::: Dick Dastardly & Muttley :::...
Notice: During 21-27 Jan, China will celebrate its traditional New Year.
Sellers, shipping companies, as well as AliExpress staff members will be
on holiday and various parts of the commerce and shipping cycle may be
delayed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. However, your
order placement process will not be affected by this. Learn mor
Pure da noi la posta è chiusa a capodanno.
2012-01-20 14:11:05 UTC
Post by Lurk-1
"...::: Dick Dastardly & Muttley :::..."
Post by ...::: Dick Dastardly & Muttley :::...
Notice: During 21-27 Jan, China will celebrate its traditional New Year.
Sellers, shipping companies, as well as AliExpress staff members will be
on holiday and various parts of the commerce and shipping cycle may be
delayed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. However, your
order placement process will not be affected by this. Learn mor
Pure da noi la posta è chiusa a capodanno.
Da noi la posta fa schifo 365 giorni all'anno.
Altro che Cina.....
"Non ho paura degli urli dei violenti, ma del silenzio degli onesti"
Martin Luther King.

"La religione è il singhiozzo di una creatura oppressa, il sentimento
di un mondo senza cuore, lo spirito di una condizione priva di spirito.
È l'oppio dei popoli." K. Marx
2012-01-20 17:05:15 UTC
Post by Ribelle60
Da noi la posta fa schifo 365 giorni all'anno.
Altro che Cina.....
Sono costretto a darti ragione.

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